Oil Spill Disaster

250kms (155miles) off the West Australian coast a major cotastrophy has occured. An oil drilling rig has somehow managed to rupture the earths crust with disastrous results. A hole 14 metres by 30 metres is now spilling oil into the ocean at an incredible rate and it seems it is going to be the same for at least 8 weeks. Of course the normal organisational proceedures have been in place since the drilling began, e.g. if your drilling in the ocean off the coast of north Western Australia then make sure any equipment or safety products are stored in Victoria a few thousand kilometers away. Its takes 24 hours to get the chemicals needed the disaster site, now thats good organisation. Now all the politicians have jumped on the bandwagon with all the this should have been and that should have been in place all trying to be holier than thou. The Greens are a disgrace for not making sure these precautions were in place, after all thats what they are all about or so they would have us believe, just a bunch of hypocrits like the rest of the pollies. Surely when these areas are surveyed for oil or gas exploration the seismic graphs show the possibility that the crust of the ocean bed may be susceptible to a problem before they start drilling. An idiot would have known to take these precations.

The Enemy Within

Where are we heading? what road are we going down? if I was a young person I would be worried sick about my future in Western Australia in what is rapidly becoming a police state. Cars are being confiscated without much thought as to the consequencies of hardship to the owners or their families. However if whatever the reason for police and government action is actually working to some wonderful community solution then I guess I should shut up. However a story came to me today concerning a young lady who was in default of a train fare fine going unpaid. She was informed that her driving licence had been withdrawn and all her cars deregistered. Serves her right you may say in sympathy of the police and government but sadly there is a small anomaly in this beaurocratic proceedural enforcement of the law. As it turns out the young lady is blind and has never held a driving licence or owned a car so it does tend to leave one wondering just how many other citizens have had their human rights violated by the beaurocratic keyboard law enforcers since this confiscation law was brought in.

Liberal Party Silence!!!!!!!!!

Anyone notice how quiet its gone regarding the Stern Hu crisis? I dont hear Turnbull shouting at K Rudd to get his mandarin talking hat on and get this guy released. He has obviously been briefed on the situation and has now been struck dumb, he is a fool a boof head, every time he opens his mouth loud noises come out that make no sense and cause more problems. With my limited knowledge of asia trading its a common fact that you haggle and it has been said in the past that the right money in the right places gets results. The money usually travels down the line, everyone get a slice of the cream cake and when someone misses out he/she will blow the whistle. We in Western Australia and all over the country come to that are suppose to be so gullible as to think that the practice of greasing the palm doesnt or hasnt gone on in the past. Are we suppose to believe that it hasnt been part of the normal trading with Asia? and these mining companies and their negotiators are so squeaky clean then they wouldnt dream of it. Give us a break. The poor mans draft excluder “Colin Barnett” our premier on his return from China had this to say :- paragraph from The West Australian Newspaper.
“It isnt simply about Stern Hu but also relates to wider political issues such as Federal members of parliament meeting with the Dalai Lama” he said “It relates to the leader of the Uighur people from the US being over here visiting Australia.”
So finish the paragraph Colin, in your opinion we should ban all foreign visitors who China deem as politically unacceptable to them to maintain better relations and be allowed to trade on their terms. Stern Hu is in jail in China over negotiations that China regard as unethical how on earth can you rope in the Dalai Lama and a US visitor to justify this mess. Youre a fool, you are Premier because of the collaboration with another fool and its a case for West Australia that the “Fools Rule.”
So Colin Barnett wants us to believe that Stern Hu isnt in jail because of something shonky involving Rio Tinto, Stern Hu and chinese mining companies but the Dalai Lama and the Uighur leader has a hand in it.
The only way out of this Colin zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz then we wont have to hear you.

Western Australia……..State or Mess

Where is this state heading, what are they trying to do to us. What are the Liberal/National alliance trying to prove. With all the problems that this state has it seems the police have been told to target the motorist at any costs. The latest vehicle impounding exercise is akin to turn Western Australia into a police state. There is no rationale for the draconian measures that have now become law. There are so many anomalies that can cause a person to unknowingly be aware that he/she is driving without a licence. Infringement notices and unrelated motor offences that are unproven in court can be senttowrong addresses thus making peoople totally oblivious they are driving unlicenced. Target the motorist at all costs, dont put the same amount of energy and thrust into making the streets and railway stations safe for the public, no way, the police might get hurt. Just let these tearaways rule the streets of Perth at night and weekends terrorising anyone brave enough to venture into the CBD and Northbridge. This state government should all wear black uniforms and white armbands like their counterparts of years ago. What a shame our wonderful city is being taken down this path. Whats next Messrs Barnett and Johnson.

West Australian Election Fiasco

What a bloody shambles in WA. a coalition of any sort with the nationals is not an option for either major party and totally unacceptable for the electorate. The Nationals having balance of power for cash for  regional developement is nothing short of holding either party to ransom.  Who would want a party with that kind of mentality having the power to run this state on its own whims and fancies. It beggars belief how these politicians think we can accept this, imagine if this was a private business can you imagine a situation like this being allowed to develope. Its obvious the electorate havent a clue who they want to govern the state so the only sensable thing to do is have another election now. Truth is none of the crap pollies in the last parliament on all sides are fit to govern anything let alone the state of Western Australia. May as  well hold a bloody lottery of al the names in the electoral roll for the seats and  give everyone and anyone a chance. The goveror should not accept or allow this negative result and call for another election. The pollies are fighting for their own wages not for the benfit of all west australians.

Alan Carpenters signature tune……”What Kind of Fool Am I”

What a twerp this man is/was, how he ran roughshod over the people of Western Australia with all the states wealth he could have done so much with. He allowed that idiot Eric Ripper to treat everyone with contempt when as treasurer he could have improved the living standards of so many. At this time it seems as though the Labour fools have lost but again its the people of West Australia that will lose out. The liberals with a recycled fool as leader who was ready to retire and his chair sniffing mate who stood aside for him. These will be our new rulers, what a joke, one might say it cant get any worse but just wait and see, there is no quality  at all in the West Australian parliament so voters just sit back and cop it. A NO vote for any of them would have been the best way to go.  Imagine life with the National Party with the balance of power, holding the state to ransom for everything they want for the few fools that voted for them, or were they fools, equality and democracy at its best down the drain.

Am I Going To Be Proved Right

 I wrote earlier that I was concerned about the chinese takeover of our resources in the north of Western  Australia, Now the Japanese have got the right to build the new shipping port in the Geralton area. The premier says there is no nationality bias in the decision its the Japanese that are better equipped or words to that effect. It just goes to show what is actually being done with the profits from the resources boom, its out of the question for the money from the profits be used to keep the infrastructure of our country in Australian hands. The Geralton Port Authority will run it but you cant convince me that the japanese will have no import in what goes on.  This state is being sold out to the highest bidder and Queensland isnt far behind us, other countries now want their coal. Even the Whitsunday Islands are under threat, nothing is sacred anymore, Greenpeace is mounting a campaign to help save the islands and draw world attention to the bloody liberties that are being taken in this country, and what a useless bunch of politicians we have that allow all this to happen. So everyone just keep an eye on Ebay, who knows what will be up for grabs in whats becoming a giveaway at any price Australia………..Where will it end.

How Far Will China Go

A follow up from my previous blog concerning the chinese takeover, just cast your sights to the situation in the Congo and dont just palm it off oh that cant happen here in Australia. In the day of the Charles Court Liberal Government the accusations were flying around that we were being sold out to the Japanese and that frightened everyone here with few exceptions and now it seems history is repeating itself with another player from the lands above us. CHINA. I cannot understand how we can just let the countries take control of our resources and and applaud their investments here. Perhaps its because in my cynical view that none of this huge investment money appears to make its way back to the ordinary people that rely on ordinary things that make life bearable for them. Things like efficient hospitals, transport, education facilities, security within our police forces and even the  carers and pensioners.  everyone of the mentioned are in some dispute with the government about their pay and conditions yet this is the BOOM state. I guess it is but for WHOM, politicians blow hot air and use rhetoric that means very little to Mr/Mrs/Ms Average, the old Australian Dream of a quarter acre and a house when by the boards years ago and thats because rotten management by all political parties have let it happen, but theres no poor pollie is there, no way, his/her little jam tin is full. While Mr/Mrs/Ms Average is concerned about the cost of running his/her car and pensioners raid rubbish bins for food this is the states affluence full steam ahead. The Resources Boom Whoopee For Some. The worse off we get the more we should be worried about foreign takeovers and mergers but we are not as complacent as the pollies think we are. We want to live within the state or nations wealth and thats nothing more than we deserve dont hoard it, our governments have little or no trouble to find millions of dollars for relief of disasters in other countries but cannot find anything for Australians without reviews, boards, enquiries and committees and yet the Prime Minister and all his other henchmen walk around with smiles and act like the doers of good deeds yet in truth they are our enemies. As a parting remark just think for a moment, the pollies actually have the title “Honourable”………Belinda Neal?  do I need to say anymore and there is a whole list of these honourables over the years that should have been behind bars. But dont despair just enjoy you chicken chow mein, if you can afford it once the poor mans dinner was “fish and chips” if you had a party and decided to serve that up youd need a bank loan now…………….enough too distressing

Australia:- Where are we heading

Did it really come as a shock that countries like Russia, China, Vietnam and others vetoed the UN resolution to impose harsher sanctions on Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, after all they are countries that would rather sell a bullet to a government that rules by brutality than give a slice of bread to the people being brutalised. South Africa applauded the veto to allow dialogue and Mugabe called it a victory. Tabo Mbeki a mediator for his mate Mugabe the butcher. Mbeki allowed the Zimbabweans to be ill treated and persecuted when they fled to South Africa now he talks of dialogue. The man is a disgrace and no better than Mugabe. Russia is Russia, untrustworthy a loose canon to say the best. If it means keeping people down trodden then Russia will support it, its the way of life for them. But China is a different kettle of fish,  what are they up to, bounding unlimited wealth. though not all chinese would think so for they are kept in the dark also. But my concern is right here on my doorstep in Western Australia. Forty years ago all we cared about in regards to the chinese was that the served up a good dish of Chop Suey, Chow Mein and crispy noodles, but not anymore. Our mining companies are being bought out by the chinese and one wonders where this will end or should I say has something more sinister begun. Australia is in dire need of workers its an everyday complaint from government and industry circles so is it possible that these new business owners might bring in their own workers. Then whats next on the agenda for takeover, our coal, gold. other raw materials that  they have their eyes on, are we being dictated to by greedy shareholders who just want a big dollar? I dont know, but I am concerned amd maybe I shouldnt be but I like the name Australia and somehow Chinostralia doesnt sound right…………..Is it a worry or not.