The fear of fear

The terrorists are winning,they have manage to create fear among all the Australian population. Already abuse and attacks are being carried out on innocent muslims when they are identified, mainly by their appearance. In my opinion they are not acts of hatred, but acts of  abusive or physical actions bred directly out of fear. There is no trust anymore because of the middle east situation and we have become a divided community based on suspicion. So the terrorists have won what maybe the first round in a fight that is going to go on for a long time. The remedy, again in my opinion is to show understanding and not to be afraid to say Hi or smile if/when we come into close contact with each other. Its a sad day when the police or military cant wear their uniform to and from work and have to hide who and what they are and even worse that our children cant display their school uniforms for fear of attack.   Australia the free country,  or is it. To be continued………………..

Its been a hectic 2 weeks

Moans Groans Whines & Whinges

I have the feeling that my suspicions are not too far from the truth. Since the retiring of the security chief Mr Irvine last friday when he had said he thought there was a case to increase the security alert so much has happened in Australia. Firstly the alert was raised to High then our troops were committed to Iraq with some Hornet fighters etc and then out of the blue comes the raids on suspected extremeists in New South Wales and Queensland which resulted in a number of arrests and charges, one of the charged was/is extreme to say the least. However Im sure everyone is in agreement with the outcome, but how long have they known about these maybe terrorists and how many people have been living in the close proxinity to them totally ignorant of the danger they were in. My past criticism I asked the question…

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I Feel Safe Now

The events of the past few days that has stunned and shocked most Australians following the instructions given by  that islamic ISIS jerk to the islamists of the world to cause havoc and brutality to innocent people in various contries including Australia has inspired our delightful government to act on our behalf.  So the first thing they do for ALL Australians for their safety is to have armed sub-machine gun toting police on the steps of parliament house. I feel safe now, the protection of those people inside parliament house helps me sleep at night. What a bunch of creeps this government is, as always thinking of themselves like they are something special. If you look at their faces on TV question time, their smug looks and even they dont look like they believe what the Abbott is saying. My opinion as ive said before this is a smokescreen to add more regulations and controls to our daily lives.

100.000 victims of ISIS have fled into Turkey what a shocking sight to see, I wonder what Scott Morrison would do to them.

Turn them back to be slaughtered?.

Its been a hectic 2 weeks

I have the feeling that my suspicions are not too far from the truth. Since the retiring of the security chief Mr Irvine last friday when he had said he thought there was a case to increase the security alert so much has happened in Australia. Firstly the alert was raised to High then our troops were committed to Iraq with some Hornet fighters etc and then out of the blue comes the raids on suspected extremeists in New South Wales and Queensland which resulted in a number of arrests and charges, one of the charged was/is extreme to say the least. However Im sure everyone is in agreement with the outcome, but how long have they known about these maybe terrorists and how many people have been living in the close proxinity to them totally ignorant of the danger they were in. My past criticism I asked the question why are we all kept in the dark as to the whereabouts of these people and shouldnt we be kept informed before they do whatever they plan to do. Our media doesnt keep us informed, presumably they arent allowed to, I cant believe they are all so dumb that they dont know what questions to ask the Abbott and co. Maybe they do and they cant print the answers because they are not allowed to………….All very strange to me, all this in 2 weeks, Im still suspicious as to whats coming next……………Changing the subject its very nice to know that the Abbott is sticking to his guns and in denial as to the importance the planets climate change. He keeps bobbing up in photo shoots with children regarding life for them in the future but he doesnt think the air they will be breathing is important, but heyho Im sure he will relish in his support from his corporate mates.

The war against terrorism

I dot think there are many people that don’t see the vile group in Iraq and Syria as a threat to world security but I do think every ordinary person has the right to know the truth of how severe it is. However on a local level its imperative that we are kept informed of any dubious people that are  deemed a threat to everyone.

We have had so many lies thrown at us since the government was elected that it must be obvious to them that we don’t trust them and what they tell us. Our media sux its Murdoch driven and cannot be trusted to keep us honestly informed. It was said many times before that there would be no ground troops going into the area of conflict but now it seems there will be initially 600. But that’s not altogether true I heard on the radio, 600 is the first contingent that maybe true but after their tour of duty they will be replaced by another 600 after I suppose 3 months active duty and then another 600 subsequently. So if 3 months is a tour of duty the we can expect there will be at least 1800 military personnel operating on this 3 month rotation. The Abbott says the 6 hornet fighter bombers and other aircraft plus the 600 soldiers are an humanitarian mission.  Give me a break, we all want ISIS destroyed and our contingent is to amalgamate with other like countries a fight a full scale war against these vile murderers.

Are my suspicions correct

Mr Brandis said on radio this morning that he will introduce the collection of meta  data from our emails and sites we may visit legislation into parliament again this week. Why am I not surprised. With the latest upgrade in the in the security alert it now gives the authorities the power to arrest anyone on suspicion, so what does that mean, surely an explanation is needed to clarify what that power actually means. So what has Big Brother Brandis got in store for us now.

My suspicious mind

As everyone knows now we are now on high security alert. There are known people among us that are potentially dangerous and may cause violent acts. Nobody is going to complain that security has or is being upgraded to protect us all. So should we know who these dangerous people are? is it a neighbour a friend a co-worker? do we have the right to know. I think we should, the more eyes watching then one would think the safer we will be. People that have been fighting overseas for an extremeist group should not be allowed back in Australia so send them back to the place  they fought for. We dont want or need them here.

On the other hand my suspicions are aroused when I see all these terrorist alerts have come rather close to the unpopular legislation that they want to push through so the government and its agences can have access to everyones private emails and meta data. I may be wrong but I dont trust the Abbott and his henchmen one bit. None of them in my opinion can be trusted, so lets see what happens next and what scare tactics they come up with.

Julia Gillard

The pursuit of Julia Gillard continues, the Abbott dislike of females will never end. I wont comment on the commission and the waste of money is being spent on the rubbish pursuit of corruption. Julia Gillard was always given a hard time regarding the way she spoke, the press thought it was worth reporting on many occasions but of course the Abbotts buddy Murdoch would make sure she never got good press. Strangely though the Abbott has a minister I think he holds the finance portfolio and his use of the spoken word is far from being eloquent but theres no funny comments from the press or cartoons printed trying to embarrass him. But of course the Abbott wouldn’t want that would he. History is in the making, proving that Julia Gillard accomplished more than the Abbott will ever will.

The need to know

Currently we are being half informed that there might be good enough reason to lift the terror threat to Australia. The boss of security David Irvine says he is thinking about it. Bully for him, he supposedly knows there are terrorists among us that can or may put us all in danger. Yet he is just thinking about raising the threat level to high, why cant we be told the truth as to why he wants to raise it and who are the people that live amongst us that are endangering us. Im not entitled to know if my next door neighbour or the guy in the next street is a suspected terrorist? who better to keep an eye on them than the people around them or working with them. Is he keeping their names secret while waiting for them actually inflict harm on us. Wheres the common sense to it. Criminals are named and child molesters are named and shamed if they move into a suburb where there are children or schools etc yet somebody that may cause widespread damage and chaos has the right to have his name kept secret and his/her name and whereabouts kept secret and known only to certain authorities. It all just adds to the level of fools we have running this country who want to keep us living in the dark. If only the government and its agencies could adopt a policy of telling the truth instead of being masters of telling lies and breaking promises.