U.S. Election…………..Wall Street

Now all the debates are over and confusion still reigns supreme there are still doubfuls and hopefulls that dont know who to vote for.  How could they most of the the time leading up to this election has been spent trying to nail the vice presidential nominees to the cross. Foreign policy is a big issue and who knows the most about it. Meanwhile Wall St is at rock bottom (Americas new Skid Row) and argueing who is going to do what with their share of the hand out. But  Sarah Palins comment that she can see Russia from Alaska is far more important in the media than the price of food gas and mortgages etc. So who is the shining star thats going to put everything right my thoughts are neither of them. Whoever wins this election is heading into a political minefield and capitol hill is going to be a battleground for polititians that let this all happen. Also is everyone convinced that th true losses on Wall Street have been disclosed or are there more to come, other banks waiting on the sidelnes ready disclose losses and get another hadout? Who knows I personally think there are. The statements of losses and the acceptances of it by the government and the eventual payout to the same people who lost it was too cut and dried for my liking. So with the world waiting to see who is going to be in charge of the US in the next 4 years lets hope the new president or superman which he is going to have to be really knows what he needs to do and knows more than the debates have shown

Profits and over taxing

Everyone knows right now that things are not going to well for the average person worldwide. Average I mean the person/s that go to work and earn  enough money to keep them fed, clothed and rent paid with enough for Petrol/gas for the car.  The governments  say they will take less tax from a pay packet but you can bet your life that increases in everything else will give it back to them.

Oil is being sold in excess of $US100 a barrel as opposed to what it was a year or so ago around $US30 and it all gets sold through OPEC to maintain a standard price. Now we all know that oil companies are ripping us off, they are the controllers of imports and exports etc. Petrol/gas prices alter daily and sometimes more than once in a day, the media tells us the high price of oil and the next day the petrol is more expensive.  So we are to believe that oil purchased on Monday in New York at $US105 is processed and in the petrol stations in a couple of day. Bullshit…whats the truth exactly what price has been paid for the fuel we are using today why is it impossible to reverse revenue to assist the ordinary family man/woman with this burden. Every time the fuel goes up in price some government asshole says they are watching for any abnormality, nothing about the excise its reaping in out of every litre sold. So here in Australia and I would think the USA also, and any other country out of the middle east producers, their oil is being sold through the same OPEC channels and reaping a huge profit on current prices so what stops the governments ploughing those profits back with some of the excise revenue to relieve the burden on Mr Average. Plain fucking greed, we dont count in the eyes of polititians who get their huge allowances for anything they require, the scum that rule us with a smile. Wheres the media? too bothered stirring up stuff about about Heath Ledger and Britney Spears to care about us, too politically biased one way or the other to care about the things that matter to us. One page of real news and the rest advertising and irrelivant crap plus the conveyance for filling our houses with all the leaflets and mags from all the grocery outlets and fast food chains.

Banks…make billions in profits for their shareholders and  directors but the peole who have loans and are battling to pay their mortgages get no consideration at all from them and no relief offered…………… They are the lowest of the low.

Supermarkets pretend to be everyones friend willing to help lower the pressure on families but their prices are a reflection of the help they give…….NONE…………Profiteers thats all they are…………..Shitheads the lot of them……Do you agree?

Coles and Woolies push out independants


One doesnt have to go into the pros and cons of the inquiry and try and make any sense of the bullshit being kicked around, if Coles and Woolies and anyone else come to that are genuine about discounts on petrol, which of course is just crap, why is it they dont offer the discount at the checkout of four cents in the dollar to the non car owner for the goods they have just purchased. Wouldnt that make a balanced situation, its called a choice They, plus the inflated prices of the goods on the shelves are the real discounters that are propping up the greedy scheme. If either of you are genuine about discounts then offer it as a choice at the checkout and not at another of your retail outlets thats selling a product at already inflated prices loaded by the oil companies. GET REAL AND LIVE UP TO THE CRAP ADVERTISING YOU THROW OUT ABOUT HELPING PEOPLE………………………sure,some help robbing their wallets and purses.